Thursday, January 19, 2006

California Dreaming

Currently listening to California Dreaming.   I guess it’s a weird fatefulness that Denny Doherty, of the Mamas and Papas, is from my hometown.  The town where I plan to end my journey.  

I’m sitting here on the train, at the San Antonio Sunset Station.   I’ve just said my goodbyes to my wife and son who came up to look around after the attendant offered.  And, I’m headed for Bakersfield, CA.   It’s not ‘such a winter’s day’ here in Tx.   The temp when we left the house was a balmy 54F….warm enough to wear shorts and a t-shirt for me.  I suspect it’ll get up above 70F before the end of the day here.  

But that’s no matter for me.   The train should be departing the station shortly.   It’s fairly dark, and the few people onboard are either sleeping or in quiet-mode.   I’ve left my camera up in the overage storage for now.  I won’t need it until sunrise I figure.  

The gentlemen at the ticket wicket were friendly and made sure they explained the terms of the North American Rail Pass, and emphasized not to lose it.    IT has Value they stressed.   Tickets can be reissued…passes can’t.

I just want to get this post out before we leave the station.  I’ll need to conserve batts on the laptop, and I won’t be able to find a receptacle for recharging until we get more daylight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i nearly cried when we said goodbye, but i think you know that. Part of me wanted to ask you to stay, but i know this is the right thing for all of us right now. Have a fun, safe journey, and give hugs to everyone for me.

9:34 AM  

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