Today is Chinese New Year! And what luck! Vancouver not only has a fairly high Asian population, but the Historic Chinatown is located just a few blocks from the Train Station. When I found out I checked my carry-on with the Via Rail ticket counter. They hold it for $2.50 a bag. Guess it's the new 'lockers'.I took my camera bag and headed down to Chinatown and more luck! The parade was underway! There was a real celebration atomosphere with not much orderly viewing. People were standing everywhere just to get a glimpse and the parade participants had to squeeze by sometimes. Firecrackers going off, drums and, what an atmosphere! I just made it look like I was a newspaper photographer and had no problem getting in some good shots right out on the street. And, just as the parade was ending, it started to rain. So it was a cold wet walk back to the station. But I can't believe my luck on arriving at the right time on the right day!
It wasn't was destiny... why else would you have changed your original plans and had to change how you got to where you were going..
It has been a bunch of years but I daresay Churchill hasn't grown that big that you would need more than 12 hours to see it all. The Legion was good for drinks and the Cathlic Church had a museum/art gallery chocked full of native carvings for sale. Of course all that will be gone by now but don't get drunk and lay down in the snow watching the aurora borealis like I did...smiling
oh wasn't it great? I was there too! The Chinese gardens were open for free today as well ! I felt lucky to be in such a place as well
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