Today is Chinese New Year! And what luck! Vancouver not only has a fairly high Asian population, but the Historic Chinatown is located just a few blocks from the Train Station. When I found out I checked my carry-on with the Via Rail ticket counter. They hold it for $2.50 a bag. Guess it's the new 'lockers'.I took my camera bag and headed down to Chinatown and more luck! The parade was underway! There was a real celebration atomosphere with not much orderly viewing. People were standing everywhere just to get a glimpse and the parade participants had to squeeze by sometimes. Firecrackers going off, drums and, what an atmosphere! I just made it look like I was a newspaper photographer and had no problem getting in some good shots right out on the street. And, just as the parade was ending, it started to rain. So it was a cold wet walk back to the station. But I can't believe my luck on arriving at the right time on the right day!
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